Sunday, July 10, 2016

Technology Changing Our Culture


Technology has changed our culture so much that we do not even do things the way we used to. For example, before technology advancements when you were picking someone up from their house you would knock on the door when you arrived. Now you just shoot the person a text and they come right now. Before technological advancements business people would have meetings face-to-face and now this can be done through e-mail or even video chat. Technological advancements are great and have made our lives so much easier, but can this be a bad thing as well? You cannot even sit and have a relaxing dinner with friends without one of their cell phones going off. People also rely on cell phones so much that we don't know how to do normal things without them. Like remember someone's phone number or drive from point A to point B,

Based on the quote above, this could very well be true for our culture. People do not interact like they used to because of our advancements in technology. In an article by Heather Kizziar (n.d.) she states, "Most people want to put their headphones in and listen to music rather than listening to another person. Videogames isolate all things from the world. Most people prefer technology today, just because that is all they know" (p. 1). We have steered away from social interaction making our culture anti-social in some ways. 

Although there are negative effects for every situation, technology has done a lot for our culture. We can get things done way more quickly and efficiently with the use of technology. It is used in the work field and for personal use as well. Charlie Gilkey (2015) says, "As much as technology is created from the fabric of our culture, technology also creates the fabric of our culture" (p. 1). At this point in our culture I would say that we need technology and it is here to stay.


1)                  Gilkey, C. (2015, April 21). Technology and Culture Influence Each Other - Productive Flourishing. Retrieved July 10, 2016, from
2)                   Kizziar, H. (n.d.). How Technology has Affected Our Culture. Retrieved July 10, 2016, from                      

How Technology has Changed Society's Expectations of Mass Media

There is a lot that is expected of the mass media field since technology has made so many advancements. The people want information NOW! Technology is so quick that as soon as something happens, it can be reported about instantly. This is why the expectations of mass media from society has been altered since the advancements in technology. In an article by Mihaela Sterian (2016) she states, "The social and cultural context of the human society is increasingly complex and amplified by multimedia" (p. 1). Our society is based upon technology and mass media. This is why the expectations of mass media have been so high. Mass media is under a magnifying glass from the people in our society.

The expectations are going to continue to grow because now the population is used to getting all of their information immediately. Before advancements in technology people would wait until they got home to watch the news on television or even listen to it on the radio. Now that majority of people have cell phones with multiple applications, they can find out what is going on whenever they feel like it. 

Mass media has even changed the way some fields of work are performed. The public relations for example has has high expectations from the people since advancements in technology were created. Public relations professionals no longer have to do press releases (they could if they wanted to), but can just put out an email blast or information on the company's website. Michael Kent and Adam Saffer (2014) write, "New technology has dramatically expanded over the past decade. New features on websites, powerful mobile devices, and the subsequent restructuring of news services have dramatically changed the profession" (p.1). They are referring to the profession of public relations. Technological advancements have been extremely beneficial to this profession. 

1)                 Kent, M. L., & Saffer, A. J. (2014). A Delphi study of the future of new technology research in public relations. Public Relations Review, 40(3), 568-576. doi:10.1016/j.pubrev.2014.02.008
2)                 Sterian, M. (2016). The Influence of Mass-Media on the Basic Personality. Euromentor Journal, 7(1), 33-39. Retrieved June 05, 2016, from

Technology's Advancement in Mass Media

Mass media has advanced since the introduction of technology into the field. Technology has made things more simple and it gets the work done a lot more quickly than it used to. In an article by Shannon Webster (n.d.) she writes, "The ability to communicate clearly and effectively is one of the skills that businesses look for in employees. The use of technology can be a great help to people in communicating, reducing the time it takes" (p. 1). In the mass media field, workers are able to produce information significantly faster than they used to before the introduction of technology. In past 20 years technology has grown so quickly.

In the video "Advancements in Technology" (2013) it shows all that technology has accomplished since the 1900's. It is amazing to see how much we have done over the past century in regards to technology. Technology has been a huge help with mass media. I'm sure technology will continue to make advances and our lives will continue to become easier over time.


1)                   Khan, H. (2013, May 13). Advancements In Technology. Retrieved July 10, 2016, from

2)                   Webster, S. (n.d.). What Are the Positive & Negative Effects of Using Technology to Communicate? Retrieved June 05, 2016, from