Sunday, June 19, 2016

Can This Change Be Bad?

Yes, the use of technology has improved the lives of communicators everywhere. Can this use of technology also be a bad thing for communicators? Well of course in every situation there are positives and negatives.

Communicators have been helped by technology so much, but there can also be a downfall to this use of technology, Young communicators are more adapted to technology because they were brought up with it from an early age. Communicators that have been in the field for decades are not so lucky. Older communicators need to come up to date on the technology in order to hold their position in the field. Any young communicator can come in and steal their job if they are more qualified and familiar with technology.

There are also other ways in which technology can have a negative effect. Ray Hiebert (2005) stated, "We’ve already seen examples of a new kind of warfare that uses new technologies as its weapons for the public mind and sphere. In the March 2004 train bombing in Madrid, the terrorists used mobile phones to detonate the bombs" (p. 4). Communications through technology can be way behind our reach in this example.

Also technology can give a false sense of communication. Communicators may be communicating with people, but are they actually getting through to the person they are targeting. Many people today have an account on a social media site and have many friends. These so called friends do not necessarily know anything about you or your intentions. This is why the work of communicators can be hindered by the use of technology. As you have watched in the attached link, you can see how technology might not be as great as we all think.


1)              Hiebert, R. E. (2005). Commentary: New technologies, public relations, and democracy. Public Relations Review, 31(1), 1-9. doi:10.1016/j.pubrev.2004.11.001
2)              I. (2014, May 06). Technology is Destroying the Quality of Human Interaction. Retrieved June 19, 2016, from

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