Sunday, June 19, 2016

How Technology Has Changed the Work of Communicators

Through the use of technology, it has changed the way communicators communicate. There is no longer a severe need for people to talk or communicate face-to-face. Especially because the business world is at such a fast pace and done all over the world. Communicators need to be fully literate through technology in order to gain a position in the communications field. Even in the education system, technology is used to keep all parties in the loop and update them on information. Tom Halligan (2010) writes, "Camden County College (CCC), one of the largest community colleges in New Jersey, uses Web sites, e-mail, e-newsletters, and social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to engage alumni and keep them involved in the college community" (p. 1). All the communications are done with technology which has changed the work of original communicators.

Technology has actually changed the work of communicators for the better. It has made the life of communicators significantly easier. Technology is so fast and less time-consuming that communicators can spread more information in a faster amount of time. Hemangi Harankhedkar (2015) states, "The development of technology has considerably improved our lifestyle. It has made its impact felt on each and every aspect of life, including communication techniques. The development of communication has seen huge progress" (p. 1). The life of a communicator has improved through the use of technology.

1)                  Halligan, T. (2010, February). The Social Media Evolution. Community College Journal, 80(4), 30-33. Retrieved June 05, 2016, from
2)                   Harankhedkar, H. (2016, March 25). Impact of Technology on Communication. Retrieved June 05, 2016, from 

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