Sunday, June 19, 2016

Training Needed

Now that communicators are having such a hard time maintaining their positions. There is more training needed for them. Older communicators need to come up to speed on technology in order to hold their positions and not be replaced by a younger, more technology savvy contender.

Communicators need to hold more skills than they used to in order to maintain their jobs in the communications field. The catch about this is that the communicators need both old skills and new skills. Someone who is completely technology savvy might be great to communicate online, but what if they need to communicate with someone face-to-face. Communicators are needed who have both the skills of an old communicator and a new one. Carolyn Bazzini (2010) says the communicators who incorporate the "best mix of communication-related disciplines and media" and put that together with their interpersonal skills will succeed (p. 1). This author states that new and old skills are required for the communicator to succeed. Nancy Painter (2014), spoke with a few different people regarding what communicators need, they stated, "Everyone is a communicator" (p. 1). People need to add the value to the job because the technology is going to be there for everyone. Technology is not the only thing needed to add value to the communications field.


1)               Bazzini, C. (2010, June 15). What Skills Will the Communicators of the Future Need to Have? Retrieved June 05, 2016, from
2)                 Painter, N. (2014, July 30). Effective Communications and HR: Making the Connection. Retrieved June 19, 2016, from

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